Agricultural consultancy

  • Kedvezményezett neve: Euroadvance Közgazdasági Tanácsadó Kft.
  • Pályázati felhívás neve, kódszáma: VP1-2.1.1-2.1.2-17 kódszámú Mezőgazdasági, erdőgazdálkodási és élelmiszer-feldolgozáshoz kapcsolódó egyéni és csoportos szaktanácsadás
  • A projekt címe, azonosító száma: Egyéni és csoportos szaktanácsadás az Euroadvance Kft-nél
  • Projekt azonosítója: 1907568303
  • A szerződött támogatás összege: 350 156 054 Ft
  • A támogatás mértéke (%-ban): 86,81% és 95%
  • A projekt befejezési dátuma: 2023.07.31

A projekt tartalmának rövid bemutatása: 

In June 2004, our company was registered in the Register of Rural Development Consultants of the National Association of Rural Development Consultants.In October 2003, the largest consultancy centre in North-Eastern Hungary was opened in Nyíregyháza-Oros, with a conference room for 120 people and a high-bandwidth microwave internet connection. This allows even web conferences, for which all technical equipment is available.

The activities carried out are multi-purpose (general) and integrated advisory activities (start-up support for young farmers, modernisation of horticulture - setting up glass and foil houses, setting up mushroom houses, adding value to agricultural products and promoting resource efficiency in processing) carried out over the last 25 years.

Our agricultural consultancy service helps farmers, young farmers, foresters and businesses in rural areas to improve the sustainable management and overall performance of their farm or business. Our agricultural advisory service also helps farmers to explore how they can better meet the increasing demands placed on them.

Our consultants have been working in the profession for many years, have more than 8 years of professional experience, have a degree in professional engineering and are successfully carrying out their work.In August-October 2017, they passed the 9 exams listed in Article 15 (4), (5) and (6) of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013.

  1. In 2019, the legislative environment has changed and has put the work of advisers on a new footing. The National Chamber of Agriculture keeps a register of registered advisors and organisations. Our advisors have successfully completed the compliance process and in the summer of 2019, our advisory organisation was also included in the register with the status of a Supported advisory organisation.
  2. In November 2020, we submitted an application for the tender entitled VP1-2.1.1-2.1.2-17 "Individual and group expert advice related to agriculture, forestry and food processing", which was evaluated by the Managing Authority of the Rural Development Program and qualified as supported. Within the framework of the won project, we have the opportunity to provide farmers with high quality subsidized expert advice for several years, for which most of the funds are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (hereinafter: EMVA) and the central Hungarian budget. Within the framework of this contruction, we have won a non-repayable monetary contribution in the amount of HUF 350.15 million, the activity of which will continue in the subsidized framework until July 31, 2023. The tender is carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi 2020 program.

Our subsidised advisory services are divided into two parts: individual and group advisory services for nearly 320 farmers. The advisory services by target area and focus area cover the whole country geographically.

For individual advice, we contract with our clients for a 10% contribution to the advisory fee (a fraction of the market price). We can provide subsidised consultancy in the following areas of activity:

  • Primary agricultural production - Arable crops
  • Plant protection
  • Primary agricultural production - Animal husbandry
  • Primary agricultural production - Horticulture (growing of vegetables, fruit, vines, ornamental plants, herbs and nurseries)
  • Wildlife management
  • Environment and nature protection
  • Land matters
  • Rural development
  • Farm management, economic

Our group consultancy services are available free of charge to our contracted clients in the following areas of activity:

  • Environment and nature protection
  • Plant protection
  • Primary agricultural production - Arable crops
  • Primary agricultural production - Horticulture (growing of vegetables, fruit, vines, ornamental plants, herbs and nurseries)

Both the management and the consultants employed aim to provide effective advice in the above areas. The aim is to provide the actors of the agricultural, forestry and food economy with professional assistance tailored to their needs, in particular to promote effective knowledge transfer and innovation and to increase the economic competitiveness of the target groups concerned by the Rural Development Programme, taking into account the requirements of sustainability, environmental and climate protection and resource efficiency.

            Our advisory organisation considers it essential to provide its clients with the right information, and contributes to this with Advisory Information Days, alongside other forms of information. These events are 2-credit point events accredited by the National Chamber of Agriculture, to which we invite not only our farmers, but also our advisors and contracted partners. We organise these events several times a year, always dealing with topical and relevant issues. We invite speakers who are experts in the field to provide reliable and authoritative information to the participants.

Our management considers the following goals to be essential for the future:

  • To keep the number of experts at a constant level.
  • To bring farmers closer to experts and our advice centre.
  • Hold accredited conferences and training courses in areas less known to entrepreneurs, e.g. research and development innovation, environmental sustainability, renewable energy.
  • Provide a stable professional background to update information on the web and mobile devices on a weekly basis.
  • Reaching out at advisory level to members of the TÉSZ organisations for which we have won VP tenders.

Our aim with advice is to be able to recommend the right professional in each area where there is a need. This will make our business more complete and our use of aid more efficient, which will be reflected in our clients' satisfaction and positive feedback. Our consultants can attract new customers from the producers who come to us. In this process, the use of subsidies can be more efficient.

With 25 years of experience in consultancy, all our staff are committed to ensuring that agricultural and rural development funds are used in the most efficient way in our country, and we provide all the assistance to our clients who turn to us with confidence.
